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Servant's Heart Award
AT of the Year Award
AT of the Year Nomination
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Nominator Information
Name of Nominating Representative
Relationship to Nominee
- Select -
Principal/Vice Principal
Athletic Director
Athletic Trainer
Physical Therapist
Registered Dietitian
Team Coach
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Nominee Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
How did you hear about this award?
Nomination Letter
Please provide a letter (500-750 words) on the candidate’s contribution to furthering their high school’s athletic care program or the overall profession of athletic training at the secondary school level. The nominator letter should specifically address the candidate’s excellence highlighting their leadership qualities/experiences, service to the profession, and advocacy including public speaking, presentations, media interviews, NATM activities, etc. Individuals cannot self-nominate. Nominations may be initiated by one of the following:
School Administrator: Superintendent, Principal/Vice Principal, or Athletic Director
Athletic Healthcare Team Member: Athletic Trainer, Physician, Physical Therapist, School Nurse, Registered Dietitian, Team Coach, or Strength & Conditioning Coach.